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Prof Hideyuki Kanematsu

National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Japan

Activation of E-learning Classes by Virtual Problem Based Learning - From Real to Virtual World


Problem Based Learning is one of the powerful tools for active learning. My colleagues and I investigated the possibilities how to activate e-learning classes by virtual Problem Based Learning. In my lecture, I will introduce all of our endeavors about the topic so far.

Hideyuki Kanematsu


Dr. Hideyuki Kanematsu is a professor of materials science and engineering at the National Institute of Technology at Suzuka College in Japan. Hide's areas of interest include biofilm engineering, surface engineering, corrosion and STEM Education (Active learning by e-learning). He holds a B.Eng. (1981), a M.Eng(1983) and a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering (1989) all from Nagoya University. He is active members, board members, editorial members of ASM International, National Association for Surface Fishing, the USA (NASF), the Institute of Metal Finishing, UK(IMF) as well as the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, USA(TMS), American Chemical Society (ACS), Electrochemical Society (ECS), the Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) and the Iron & Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) etc.

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22nd Annual
KES Conference
Metropol Palace Hotel
Belgrade, Serbia
3-5 September 2018