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Prof Edward Szczerbicki

The University of Newcastle, Australia

Smart Engineering of Experience with Decisional DNA: Challenges, Approaches, and Case Studies


The concept of Decisional DNA, a unique knowledge representation based on experience, is decade old. This presentation introduces the initial idea of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure, its advancement into Decisional DNA, and its many real life applications in such diverse domains as medicine, maintenance, energy, robotics, industrial hazard control, autonomous cars, and product development. The most current and future research steps into Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things are also discussed addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based society and cyber-physical systems. The overall aim of this keynote talk is to provide guidelines to develop tools for smart processing and engineering of experience. Still, the guide does not presume to give ultimate answers. Rather, it poses ideas and case studies to explore. It also encourages the audience to become aware of the multifaceted interdisciplinary character of such issues.

Edward Szczerbicki


Professor Szczerbicki has had very extensive experience in the area of complex/intelligent systems development over an uninterrupted 35 year period, 25 years of which he spent in the top systems research centres in the USA, UK, Germany, and Australia. In this area he contributed to the understanding of information and knowledge engineering in systems operating in environments characterized by informational uncertainties and dynamics. He has published 300+ refereed papers which attracted close to 2000 citations over the last ten years. His DSc degree (1993) and the Title of Professor (2006) were gained in the area of information science for his international published contributions. His academic experience includes ongoing positions with Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland; Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland; The University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA; University of California, Berkeley, USA; and The University of Newcastle, Newcastle Australia.

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22nd Annual
KES Conference
Metropol Palace Hotel
Belgrade, Serbia
3-5 September 2018